OPTAVIA Coaches are one of the biggest differences we offer

Study after study shows that support and guidance increase your chances for success in reaching your optimal weight.* That's where our community of caring independent OPTAVIA Coaches comes in.

Your OPTAVIA Coaches help you learn the habits that can create optimal health and can lead to lifelong transformation. Your coach guides you and helps you celebrate all the little victories that add up to the big ones. No matter what you're facing, your Coach can help steer you to success.

1. Appel, L.J., et al., Comparative effectiveness of weight-loss interventions in clinical practice. N Engl J Med, 2011. 365(21): p. 1959-68.
2. Harrigan, M., et al., Randomized Trial Comparing Telephone Versus In-Person Weight Loss Counseling on Body Composition and Circulating Biomarkers in Women Treated for Breast Cancer: The Lifestyle, Exercise, and Nutrition (LEAN) Study. J Clin Oncol, 2016. 34(7): p. 669-76.
3. Van Wier M.F., et al., Phone and e-mail counselling are effective for weight management in an overweight working population: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 2009. 9: 6.
4. Donnelly, J.E., et al., Comparison of a phone vs clinic approach to achieve 10% weight loss. Int J Obes (Lond), 2007. 31(8): p. 1270-6.